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争 征 蒸 徵 整 正 证 政 症的英文

"争 征 蒸 徵 整 正 证 政 症"怎么读


  • zheng
  • "争"英文翻译    contend; vie; compete; strug ...
  • "征"英文翻译    go on a journey; travel
  • "蒸"英文翻译    evaporate steam
  • "徵"英文翻译    a note of the ancient Chines ...
  • "整"英文翻译    whole; all; complete
  • "正"英文翻译    the first month of the lunar ...
  • "证"英文翻译    prove; verify; demonstrate
  • "政"英文翻译    politics; political affairs
  • "症"英文翻译    disease; illness
  • "徵" 英文翻译 :    名词[音乐] (古代五音之一, 相当于简谱的“5”) a note of the ancient chinese five-tone scale, corresponding to “5” in numbered musical notation
  • "争" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(力求得到或达到; 争夺) contend; vie; compete; struggle for; strive 竞争 compete with [against]; contest; 争着发言 try to have the floor before others; 争冠军 strive for the champion; 互争第一名 vie with one another for the first place; 力争胜利 strive mightily for victory; 春争日, 夏争时。 in spring every day counts, in summer every hour.2.(争执; 争论) argue; dispute; debate 把事情争个水落石出 argue a matter out; 你们在争什么? what are you arguing about? 这是意气之争。 the dispute was a display of personal feelings.3.[方言] (差) lack; be short of 争点儿摔了一交 almost fall down; 该计划不争什么了。 nothing is lacking for the plan. 总数还争多少? how many more are needed to make up the total?Ⅱ副词(怎么) how; why 争可 how can; 争不 why not; 争奈 nevertheless; unfortunately; 争忍 how can one bear toⅢ名词(姓氏) a surname 争不识 zheng bushi
  • "政" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(政治) politics; political affairs 议政 discuss political affairs; 从政 be engaged in political affairs2.(国家某一部门主管的业务) certain administrative aspects of government; administration 军政 military administration; 财政 (public) finance; 国政 national affairs; 邮政 postal service3.(指家庭或团体的事务) affairs of a family or an organization 家政 household management; 校政 school administration4.(姓氏) a surname 政洁 zheng jie
  • "整" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(全部在内; 完整) whole; all; complete 整日整夜 the whole day and night; 整个世界 all the world ; 整整一打 a full dozen; 整部小说 the entire novel; 十二点整 twelve o'clock sharp; 完整的句子 a complete sentence2.(整齐) neat; tidy; orderly 整然有序 in good order; 仪容不整 untidy in one's appearance; 衣冠不整 slovenly in one's dress; not properly dressedⅡ动词1.(整理; 整顿) put in order; adjust; rectify; reorganize 整整床铺 fix one's bed; 把房间好好整一整 put a room in order; 调整历法 rectify the calendar2.(修理) repair; mend; renovate 整修翻新旧房屋 renovate the old buildings3.(使吃苦头) make sb. suffer; punish 挨整 be the target of criticism or attack; 狠整那个坏蛋 resolutely punish that scoundrel4.[方言] (搞; 弄) make; do 把衣服整脏了 get one's clothes dirty; 把事情整糟了 make a mess of the matter; 这东西我看见人整过, 并不难。 i once saw someone do it. it's not very difficult
  • "蒸" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(蒸发) evaporate2.(利用水蒸气的热力使食物熟或热) steam 蒸馒头 steam bun; steam bread; 把剩饭蒸一蒸 warm the leftovers up in the steamerⅡ名词[中医] (将药物隔水蒸熟) steaming
  • "证" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词(证明) prove; verify; demonstrate 查证 investigate and verify; 论证 expound and prove; 求证 seek to prove; 证几何定理 demonstrate [prove] a geometric theoremⅡ名词1.(证据) evidence; proof; testimony; witness 物证 material evidence; proof; 作证 give evidence; bear testimony; stand witness; 历史是最好的见证。 history is the most telling witness.2.(证件) certificate; card 身分证 i.d. card ; card of identity; 结婚证 marriage certificate; 许可证 permit; 驾驶证 driving [driver's ] license3.(疾病) disease; illness
  • "症" 英文翻译 :    症名词(疾病) disease; illness 急症 acute disease; 癌症 cancer; 绝症 incurable disease; fatal illness
  • "征" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(走远路) go on a journey; travel 踏上征途 embark on the road; 万里长征 go on a journey of thousands of miles2.(证讨) go on a punitive expedition; start a campaign 去远征 go on an expedition; 出征 campaign; 南征北战 fighting north and south;campaigning up and down the country3.(政府召集人民服务) recruit; levy; draft 应征入伍 be drafted into the army4.(征收) collect; impose; levy 征收烟酒税 impose duties on tobaccos and wines5.(征求) solicit; ask for 征订 solicit for subscriptionsⅡ名词1.(证明; 证验) evidence; proof 明征 clear evidence; 无征之言 an unfounded assertion; 信而有征 be supported by proof; 有实物可征。there is solid evidence.2.(表露出的迹象; 现象) sign; portent; symbol 特征 characteristic; trait; feature; 象征 symbol; emblem; token
  • "a正" 英文翻译 :    a positive
  • "正" 英文翻译 :    正名词(正月) the first month of the lunar year; the first moon
  • "梁 政" 英文翻译 :    jeanette
  • "天 政" 英文翻译 :    tenmasa
  • "蒸 菜" 英文翻译 :    steamed foods
  • "魏廷(王+争)" 英文翻译 :    wei tingzheng
  • "杨宗(王+争)" 英文翻译 :    yang zongzheng
  • "qt症" 英文翻译 :    long qt syndrome
争 征 蒸 徵 整 正 证 政 症的英文翻译,争 征 蒸 徵 整 正 证 政 症英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译争 征 蒸 徵 整 正 证 政 症,争 征 蒸 徵 整 正 证 政 症的英文意思,爭 征 蒸 徵 整 正 證 政 癥的英文争 征 蒸 徵 整 正 证 政 症 meaning in English爭 征 蒸 徵 整 正 證 政 癥的英文争 征 蒸 徵 整 正 证 政 症怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。